Getting Back into Your Fitness Routine After the School Holidays: Tips for Parents
The kids are back in school, and that means it’s finally time to focus on you again. But after weeks of juggling summer clubs, holidays, family time, and a regular chorus of “I’m bored!”, getting back into a consistent fitness routine can feel like a challenge.
Whether you’re looking to regain your strength, boost your endurance, or just carve out some much-needed time for yourself, here are some tips to help you get back on track.
1. Start with a Plan
The first step to getting back into your routine is to set a clear plan. Identify your fitness goals—whether it’s to lose weight, gain muscle, or simply improve your overall wellbeing. Once you know what you’re aiming for, create a workout schedule that fits into your daily life. Remember, consistency is key, so choose times that you can stick to.
Physically writing things down boosts connectivity between different parts of the brain, improving memory retention, and therefore your chance of success when it comes to enacting a new plan. So our top tip here is to get yourself a good old fashioned notepad and commit your plan to paper.
2. Ease Back In
It’s tempting to dive back into your routine full throttle, but that’s a fast track to burnout or injury. If you’ve had a break from regular exercise, ease back into it with shorter, less intense workouts and gradually increase the intensity over time. This approach helps your body adjust and reduces the risk of overtraining.
Get yourself equipment that can start light, but move quickly with your progression, like adjustable dumbbells or a set of power bands of varying thickness.
3. Incorporate Strength Training
At PRIMAL we believe that strength training is the key to discovering your true potential. it is essential for building muscle, boosting metabolism, improving overall fitness, and looking after your mental health. As you get back into your routine, make sure to include strength-based exercises in your workouts. Not only does strength training help you tone and sculpt your body, but it improves functional strength, making everyday tasks (like the school run!) easier.
Whether you’re performing squats, deadlifts, or bench presses, having reliable, high-quality equipment will keep your workouts effective and safe.
4. Mix Up Your Workouts
Routine doesn’t have to mean mundane. Variety is key to staying motivated in your fitness routine. Incorporate different types of exercise into your weekly schedule to keep things interesting and to challenge your body in new ways. This might include a mix of weight-lifting, functional training and flexibility exercises like yoga or Pilates.
The pro series functional trainer is the perfect machine for moving between training styles with very little set up or fuss and our essentials range includes the accessories you need for both training and recovery.
5. Prioritise Recovery
Recovery is training. After weeks away from a full time fitness regime, your body may need extra care to get back into peak condition. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep, staying hydrated, and incorporating active recovery days into your schedule. Stretching properly, and low-intensity activities like walking can help speed up recovery and prevent injuries.
Accessories like foam rollers and massage balls, are great for enhancing your recovery routine. Using these regularly can help relieve muscle soreness and improve flexibility, ensuring you’re ready to make real progress.
6. Strengthen the Family Bond
Getting back into fitness doesn’t have to be a solo mission. Involve your family in your workouts whenever possible. Whether it’s a weekend hike, a family bike ride, or a yoga session in the living room, exercising together can be fun and keep your whole family healthy while spending quality time together.
If your passion is strength training, working out with others is not only enjoyable but sensible. Plus latest research has shown there are great benefits to getting children into strength training safely as young as 8 years old.
It’s Easy if you Try!
Getting back into your fitness routine after the school holidays doesn’t have to be daunting. By setting a plan, easing into your workouts, and using the right equipment, you can smoothly transition back into your routine and stay on track toward your fitness goals.
It’s time to focus on yourself again—embrace the challenge and take your fitness journey to the next level.
Ready to get started? Explore our Personal Series and Pro Series ranges today and make getting back to strength easy.