Celebrating Her Strength:  Training like a Mother

This Mother’s Day PRIMAL celebrate the strength in women, and specifically the mothers who kill it in training and parenting every day.  Being a parent is a full time job, a juggling act and the top priority for mum’s everywhere.  So what motivates already busy women to keep up with their fitness training too?


We speak to some of the mum’s in team PRIMAL who are known to train like a mother.


Sarah Holden - Mother, fitness coach, online legend


Sarah is one of the top PRIMAL athletes and online coach, recently she recovered from multiple blood clots in the lungs and was even able to compete at the highest level of Hyrox Glasgow.


To say Sarah has shown strength at this time would be an understatement, so what motivates her to keep showing up as a Mum and an athlete?


“Training is so important to include in my routine. Many feel it’s selfish to prioritise training as a mother, but it most definitely is not.” Sarah asserts with conviction.  “ It’s so important to look after your health, cardiovascular fitness and overall strength so you have the energy to keep up with your little one and to be there as long as possible for them.” she explains. 


“Training helps me feel good, improves my mood, and makes me feel calm and happy.  All of this carries over to my role as a mother and lets me do the best job possible.  It’s really important to me that I promote a healthy, active lifestyle to me son so he knows how to look after his own health when he’s older.”


Lauren McLean - Mother, PRIMAL Finance Assistant, winner


Lauren is one of PRIMAL’s women in finance, and mum to 11 year old Ria.  Lauren brings a great energy to the office every day and it’s a well known she loves being a mother and training.

“I started training because I was sick of feeling uncomfortable and having no confidence in myself after becoming a mum. As Ria gets older I realise how good it is for her to see me work out and go to the gym, to know that I am taking care of my health and wellbeing.” Lauren says.

“It can be hard finding the balance, but I always prioritise a few days a week to my training If I could give any tips to other mums  it would be – try work out early in the morning. It gets it out the way and you don’t get the chance to make excuses not to go. Find things you can do with your little one - me and Ria enjoy hill walking or cycling when the weather allows.

I recently competed in Hyrox and Ria came to cheer me on, I could see how proud she was of me and it makes it all worth it.”


Lisa Gormley - Mother, Head of Content at PRIMAL, gym evangelist

Lisa joined PRIMAL after a weight loss journey born out of discovering strength training.  Now consistency in her training is a close second to her parenting priorities and she tells us why.

"Strength training changed my life for the better all round.  I took life problems out on my body, before I was able to take a step back and realise this is not how I wanted to show up for my family. Discovering strength allowed me to shed 7 stone and gain a new lease of life as a Mum.” Lisa fondly recalls.

“Training makes me a better Mum. Not only can I stay healthy for them, but I can remain mentally fit, to cope with the pressures of being a working mum with career ambitions. I know that I’m setting a good example for them for looking after their health, but I also want to set an example when it comes to achieving your goals. Strong mothers raise strong children!"



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