Unlock Your Potential with Daylight Savings: Maximising Morning Strength Training with PRIMAL



In the world of fitness, every moment counts. When the clocks go back, it's more than just an extra hour of sleep. It's an invaluable opportunity to take your strength training regimen to the next level, especially during the brighter mornings. At PRIMAL , we understand the importance of optimising our time, and for those of us already committed to strength training, this biannual time shift is a perfect occasion to explore the vast benefits of morning workouts.

The Science Behind Daylight Savings and Morning Workouts:

Shifting the clock back in October offers a unique opportunity to synchronize your workouts with natural daylight.

  1. Enhanced Circadian Rhythms: Our bodies have an internal clock, known as the circadian rhythm, which regulates various physiological processes, including sleep-wake cycles. Morning workouts align with the body's natural rhythm, enhancing energy levels and focus throughout the day.
  2. Stress Reduction: Morning exercise has been linked to lower stress levels and improved mood due to the release of endorphins. A less stressful mind is better equipped to tackle challenging workouts and everyday tasks.
  3. Improved Sleep Quality: Contrary to concerns about early morning exercise affecting sleep, studies have shown that regular morning workouts can lead to more restorative and deeper sleep at night.



Elevating Your Fitness Game with Essential Gym Equipment:

For those of us who have already embraced the world of strength training, it's more than just lifting weights. It's about a commitment to personal growth, pushing your limits, and unlocking your potential. Whether you're working with squat racks, dumbbells, or other gym equipment, the objective remains the same - to become a stronger and more resilient version of yourself.

Seize the Morning:

With the clocks falling back, you have an extra hour of morning light at your disposal. Here's how to harness this natural resource:

  1. Morning Goal Setting: Utilise the additional morning light to establish ambitious daily fitness goals. Incorporate essential strength equipment like squat racks and dumbbells to achieve these objectives.
  2. Home Gym Essentials: If you've built a home gym, maximize your mornings with efficient workouts. Ensure your gym equipment includes high-quality gear, such as adjustable dumbbells, a sturdy squat rack, and other gym equipment that complements your training routine.
  3. Nutrition and Strength: Kickstart your day with a nutrient-packed breakfast that fuels your strength training and recovery. A protein-rich breakfast with complex carbohydrates gives you the energy needed to conquer your fitness goals.
  4. Tracking and Motivation: Maintain a training journal to document your achievements and adapt your routine as needed. A visual representation of your progress serves as a powerful motivator.

For those well-acquainted with strength training, Daylight Savings is a golden opportunity to elevate your fitness journey. With dedication, you can unlock your full potential and become the best version of yourself, making optimal use of best in class strength equipment to hit your goals.

The research-backed advantages of morning exercise are clear: enhanced circadian rhythms, reduced stress, and improved sleep quality. When combined with strength training, these benefits offer a winning formula for personal growth and better overall health.

The time is now, and your strength is calling. Embrace the change, seize the brighter mornings, and witness the transformation within and around you.



Top Tips from Primal Athlete, Sarah Holden to stay motivated for the clocks changing this winter!


- Make your workouts as important as your work - give them the same priority you would a work meeting - schedule them in just as you would with a work appointment. An appointment with yourself. Stick to the times set each day.


- Wear warmer clothing and spend more time warming up - you don't want to go into the gym feeling freezing cold


- Workout with friends. Keep each other accountable. 


- When you cant be bothered remember your long term goals. They have to be bigger than your lack of motivation 


- Showing up is half the battle. Don’t overthink your workout, just focus on getting there and starting, then the rest will flow. But do make sure you have a plan to follow so you can get in and have a productive session without wasting any time.


- Don't wait until the new year. We still have plenty time to get a lot done. Start now.



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